It’s a well known fact that women visit their health care providers more often than men. There are many reasons to explain this trend. Some men (perhaps many) assume that there’s nothing wrong with them, particularly if they have no symptoms, so why waste the doctor’s time and their own?
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Are you tired of being tired? Do you get eight hours of sleep every night but still wake up feeling exhausted and not refreshed? You are not alone! More than 1/3 of adults experience sleep disturbance (difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, poor sleep quality, etc). The truth is EVERY body system is affected by poor sleep, and inadequate sleep.
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A pharmacy is just a pharmacy. Somewhere to get your medications. Somewhere where they “put the pills from the big bottle, to the small bottle.” Somewhere to pick up your cough medicine, along with the chips in Aisle 3…. Right?!?
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Probiotics are live microorganisms (strains of bacteria), that in adequate amounts give you a health benefit. You can get probiotics from supplements (pills & powders), as well as foods that are prepared by bacterial fermentation (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh & kimchi). Your gut flora consists of hundreds of different types of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts and viruses, with the majority found in the colon or large intestine. Probiotics help your gut flora perform optimally.
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High blood pressure (BP), or hypertension (HTN), is known as “the silent killer” because many people who have high blood pressure are simply not aware of it.
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Have you ever felt ‘butterflies’ in your stomach? On making a difficult decision, have you been told to “go with your gut”? Have you ever been nervous to the point of feeling nauseous? Well, as it turns out, it is no coincidence that all of these expressions refer to a feeling in our gut, as a result of our mental emotional state. The gut-brain connection is not merely metaphorical.
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